• Bedlington Terrier Rescue Foundation

  • Kaye is the Training and Behaviour Advisor and one of the Trustees for the Bedlington Terrier Rescue Foundation. An amazing small breed rescue that achieved Charity status in December 2017.

    The late Barbara Butcher MBE and Phyllis Cooper started Bedlington Terrier Rescue in 1976. The current team of volunteers offer their time for free to help this wonderful breed. BTRF is totally self funded and works extremely hard to raise the necessary monies to be able to continue helping rescued Bedlingtons and their crosses that need new homes around the UK.

    Kaye is one of the trainers / behaviourists on the Training and Behaviour Team and she is responsible for offering the rehoming support as well as liaising with the behaviourists the charity appoint around the country to work with the new adopters / foster carers and the dogs in their new homes.  

    Full information on the charity and the work that they do can be found on their website - www.bedlingtonrescue.co.uk and their Facebook page www.facebook.com/bedlingtonrescue/