• News / Events

  • COMING SOON!!.....Reliable Recall Workshop!

    SEPTEMBER 2024

    Everything you need to know to really improve your recall!

    Training an effective recall does not have to be difficult or unachievable once you master the key elements! Learn these key elements in 3 weeks from start to finish!

    Book your place NOW!

  • Certificate of Recognition - INTODogs

    Summer 2021

    I was very honoured to receive a 'Certificate of Recognition' by the Association of INTODogs this year:

    "It gives us great pleasure to be surrounded by so many wonderful people within the industry and as a show of appreciation we, INTODogs, would like to announce our Certificates of Recognition to those we feel truly deserve them within their recognised fields.

    We have a number of sectors but are delighted to present this one, to Kaye Scott of 'Right Start' and 'The Bedlington Terrier Rescue Foundation'- Kaye is such an amazing person and we wish her every success for the future."

  • Right Start Dog Training Risk Assessment

    April 2021

    I am happy to tell you that I have now completed a recognised Risk Assessment course to enable me to compile my risk assessment regulations document to ensure the safety of my clients either in a class environment or one to one face to face sessions. It this time I can only offer one to one face to face sessions in private gardens provided there is access to the garden via the front without needing to pass through the houses. 

  • The UK Dog Behaviour and Training Charter becomes a reality! - 8th June 2020

    I am proud to announce that "As a full accredited member of The Association of INTODogs (www.intodogs.org) I am able to display this symbol. Please check out the charter website to see what assurances this symbol brings - www.ukdogcharter.org"

    The UK Dog Behaviour and Training Charter will give assurance and accountability to the public and other professional bodies. Displaying the Charter Symbol shows that the dog professional they appoint has been checked, monitored and supported by a reputable organisation.

  • June 2019

    Kaye is delighted to have been accepted as a member of the Association of INTO Dogs

    The Association of INTO Dogs is an organisation whose positive reward based training ethics sit excellently with Kaye's and they activily promote the highest professional standards.

    As members we agree to a strict code of practice and have high ethical standards with the welfare of the dog central to the work and keep abreast continually with new regulations and teachings.

    As part of my membership agreement (as with the Association of Pet Dog Trainers) I am required to keep up with my Continued Professional Development. Which means that I can assure my clients of the most up to date science based theory and methodologies at all times.

  • As the Association of INTO Dogs is also a member of ICAN (International Companion Animal Network) I am also registered with this organisation as a Certified Animal Trainer.